Detroit Institute of Gastronomy adheres to the satisfactory academic standards outlined by its own policy, the ACFEF policies, as well as the eligibility criteria of Federal Title IV financial aid.
To maintain a satisfactory academic progress at DIG, students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0, pass 67% of all credits attempted, maintain a minimum of 75% average POC of OJL apprenticeship working hours and remain within a maximum time frame (MTF) for program and apprenticeship hours completion of 1.5 times the length of the program. All quarters of a student’s enrollment count when assessing SAP, including quarters when a student does not receive Federal Student Aid (FSA) funds.
Cumulative Grade Point Average SAP
CGPA – The CGPA is calculated on a scale of 4.0 and is cumulative (includes entire program academic history).
Pace of Completion (POC) SAP
Hours Completion – Grades A, B, and C are considered “satisfactory” in the calculation of successful completion. The completion rate is calculated by dividing the cumulative number of credit hours the student has successfully completed by the number of cumulative credit hours the student has attempted.
Maximum Time Frame (MTF)– the student must complete the program within one and one-half times the length of the program in which they are enrolled. The culinary arts program consists of 97 credit hours required for graduation. The student is eligible to take up to 145 credits to complete the program. The Culinarian program consists of 48 credit hours required for graduation. The student is eligible to take up to 72 credits to complete the program.
Apprenticeship Working Hours – the student must complete the apprenticeship working hours within one and one-half times the length of the program in which they are enrolled. The apprenticeship portion of the Sous Chef program consists of 4000 hours required for graduation. The apprenticeship portion of the Culinarian program consists of 2000 required for graduation. The student is eligible to take up to 12 quarters to complete the program.
If a student is not meeting any one of the SAP requirements the student will be placed on SAP probation. When placed on SAP probation, the student will work with their concierge to develop an academic counseling plan (ACP) designed to return the student status back to good standing as soon as possible. Once the student has regained SAP, the probation status will be removed.
Academic Status #
Toque List – Students who maintain a quarter GPA of 4.0 while earning at least 12 credits and who are in academic Good Standing are placed on the quarterly Toque List.
Director’s List – Students who maintain a quarter GPA of 3.5 while earning at least 12 credits and who are on academic Good Standing are placed on the quarterly Director’s List.
Honor Graduate – Students completing program requirements with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.75 or higher will be recognized as an honor graduate.
Honor Graduate with Distinction – Students completing program requirements with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 4.0 will be recognized as an honor graduate with distinction.
Good Standing – Students, both full-time or part-time who maintain a quarter GPA of 2.0 and/or a maximum time frame (MTF) of 1.5 times the length of the program, are considered in good standing.
Full-Time – Students taking at least 12 credits per quarter.
Part-Time – Students taking less than 12 credits per quarter.
Academic Probation – Students who fail to maintain a CGPA of 2.0 and/or pace of completion (POC) are placed on academic probation. The purpose of academic probation is to alert the student to the need to improve performance.
Academic Suspension – Students on probation who fail to meet the requirements of the academic counseling plan (ACP) are placed on suspension. This designation is printed on the official transcript. A student placed on academic suspension must stay out of school one full quarter before applying for readmission. The student will retain their enrollment status but is not eligible to participate in classes.
Readmission from Academic Suspension -Students placed on the first academic suspension are eligible to reapply to participate in classes following the one quarter suspension. If the student’s concierge and the Director recommends the student for restart into the program the student may restart classes resuming their previous academic status and ACP. For any subsequent suspensions, students are eligible to reapply after one calendar year provided the program can be completed in within the MTF.
Students who do not attend Detroit Institute of Gastronomy for two consecutive quarters will be required to complete updated course requirements for their program of study.